Starring Evan Tognotti and Ross Jenkins, with weekly special guests. VFS VARIETY HOUR - Two students in Vancouver Film School's writing program discuss their 'craft.' Airs weekly on Saturdays. Starring Evan Tognotti and Matthew Milewski. THE SERIES REGULAR - A big-picture look at TV, new and old. SHREKTALK: A SHREKSVERSATION - A podcast where two friends and one Shrek-spert watch all the Shrek movies and talk about their cultural significance. Starring Clint Prentice and Ryan McGinley. SUPERHERO SUPER SHOW - Two super friends watch all of TV's superhero shows and talk about them. Starring Clint Prentice, Evan Tognotti, Matthew Milewski, and Ryan McGinley. Starring Clint Prentice, Evan Tognotti, Matthew Milewski, and Ryan McGinley.įAMILY GAME NIGHT - Like Dungeons & Dragons, but also Call of Cthulhu, and an improv show, and a radio drama? Airs weekly on Wednesdays. ERROR! REPORT - A podcast about video games.